Our Company

Something about us

Since 2015 till now, our company has provided service to a large number of customers and our company maintains service centers in 4 areas.

Currently 4 of our institutes are open for you. Our institute is located in Baduraliya, Kahawaththa, Niwithigala, Thiniyawala. You have the opportunity to get all the services you need from any institution.

When it comes to exclusive vehicles, there are several categories to consider, including Cars, Motor Bikes, Three Wheels,Buses, SUV and all old and new vehicle models.You can contact us for any of your needs. Our office is open 7 days a week and our offices are open from 8.30 to 5.30. You can contact us for any need or problem.

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Number of Vehicles
Vehicle Sold
Number of Branch
Number of Customer
Take a look at our

Service Speciality

Since 2015 till now, our company has provided service to a large number of customers and our company maintains service centers in 4 areas.
Experience support team

We have an best experienced and efficient staff.

Handle emergency situations

Our staff is committed to assist you in any emergency.

Leasing Facility

We provide leasing facility for any vehicle at reasonable interest rate.

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Any Types Vehicles

We have any model of vehicle you need.

Best Condition Vehicles

We guarantee that all the vehicles we have are of very good quality.

7 days a week Available

Our facilities are available 7 days a week. Contact our hotline support for anything.


our strengths

Since 2015 till now, our company has provided service to a large number of customers and our company maintains service centers in 4 areas.

Come to our company and you can get a vehicle of any model you want with easy payment method or cash purchase.

Staff Service
Vehicle Condition
After Service
Customer Service
Business Strategy
Year In Business

History Timeline

Since 2015 till now, our company has provided service to a large number of customers and our company maintains service centers in 4 areas.
Establishment of a new branch at Baduraliya

Establishment of a new branch at Niwithigala.

Establishment of a new branch at Kahawaththa.

Establishment of a new branch at Thiniyawala.

Increasing the number of vehicles in the institute started at Baduraliya.

Another new institution was established and the Baduraliya institution was improved.